Friday, May 20, 2005

T-Ball at RAF Alconbury

Ready at first base

Throw it to me!!

Playing Tball Weds night.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Scott at the cathedral in Ely.

Careful Tom!!

How many does it take to get us down the river?

The way it should be!! Tom and Sheila punting in Cambridge.

Christopher and Scott in Cambridge.

Christopher in the "Little Pig". Punting in Cambridge.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Our gondola ride in Venice.

Sheila wonders "Who's kid is that?"

Living it up in Venice, Italy.

Christopher "zooms in" on the action at Germany's castles.

Sheila and Christopher ride in style in Germany.

Sheila and Christopher over look St. Marks Square in Venice, Italy.

Our Schedule for the rest of 2005

Our schedule (pronounced shedule in English) has changed a bit and here is the latest:

04 - 18 May - Dr. Scott Jones to visit us.

28 May - 05 June - Ferry to Holland and tour Belgium, Denmark and Germany.

16 June - 11 July - Sheila, Christopher and Tom to visit South Dakota.

17 Aug - 07 Sep - Arnie, Linda and friends to visit us.

24 Sep - 10 Oct - Stan and Judy Thompson to visit us.

18 - 27 Nov - Tom, Sheila and Christopher to vacation somewhere warm, Canary Islands or Africa perhaps..TBD

When there are open days, feel free to plan a trip. Call 011 44 1480 432 933 or email for reservations.