Sunday, May 06, 2007

Father/son cake decorating contest

Tom and Christ0pher participated in the father/son cake decorating contest for the April pack meeting. They didn't win, but they sure had a lot of fun making and decorating the cake (moms couldn't help!).
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New babies in the house

That's right, as of April 22, 2 new kids came to live with us, Itchy and Scratchy, Russian dwarf hamsters. They are quite small, fit in the palm of your hand. Right now they are getting used to living with us and learning to be held.
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Christopher and Scratchy

You can see how small they actually are, when you compare their size to Christopher's hands.
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Sheila and Scratchy

Sheila gets a turn at holding Scratchy. She likes to be held more than Itchy and she loves the hamster ball (you put her in a ball and she runs all over the house in it).
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