Sunday, July 17, 2005

July 4th Means Fun on the River

2005 July 4, Juhnke Sandbar crew. Every year we gather in Springfield venture to a nearby Missouri River sandbar for relaxation and catching up. I worked on the driftwood benches all week leading up to this big day. Pictured from left to right are: Karen Watson, Irene Reeb, Kim Juhnke, Paula Mectenburg, Steve Juhnke, Shannon Dittman, Celia Dittman, Me, Sheila Juhnke, Gloria Dittman, Bottom row, Barry Juhnke, Nettie Juhnke, Kayla Juhnke, Natalie Juhnke, and the tiny dog. Not pictured but catching frogs are: Paul Juhnke and Christpher Juhnke on the other end of the sandbar. Thanks to Karen for making us take this picture.


Amy S. Petrik said...

rats, i could have been in the photo too.... perhaps next year with brinker and roach!

Tom Juhnke said...

I thought about putting names in but I don't know all the maiden names and names of the babies so I left them out.

Tom Juhnke said...

We had peschels hot dogs at a pre-reunion bbq. The were good.